Metallic luster
Hardness greater than 5.5
Black: Magnetic iron ore (cube, octahedron, ferromagnetic) Crystal appearing octahedral or rhombic dodecahedral, at diamond crystal face rhombic dodecahedron is parallel to the diagonal direction of the face often with stripes, aggregates Usually into a dense granular block. Streak black, no cleavage, brittleness, specific gravity 4.9-5.2, strong weathering resistance.
Red : Hematite - is the product of iron under oxidizing conditions (blocky, punctiform, kidney-like). The single crystal is often plate-shaped, mainly composed of a plate and a rhombohedron. Often produced in a variety of aggregates: crystalline, flaky, scaly or massive; cryptocrystalline has a scorpion, kidney, powder and soil. By said sheet-like assembly having a hematite, with a metallic sheen, fine aggregate by said scaly mica hematite, said powdered iron ocher, smooth surface stalactitic bright red hematite red glass assembly head. Hematite, which is usually formed under hydrothermal and gaseous conditions, is often rhombohedral, plate-like and flaky crystals; the metamorphic deposits are mostly three-dimensional and equal-grained, columnar crystals are rare; under epigenetic conditions are mostly hidden Crystal or powder aggregate morphology. The crystal is steel gray to iron black, often with a light blue gray. The cryptocrystalline and powdery are dark red to bright red, streaked cherry red; no cleavage, specific gravity 5.0-5.3.
White : Pyrite (tuberculous, kidney-like) crystals are usually plate-shaped, sometimes double-cone, less short-column, spear-shaped. The aggregates are tuberculous, kidney-like, stalactite-like, and hull-like. Copper yellow color, green, or gray tone microstrip, nearly fresh tin surface white (or light color than pyrite); dark gray-green streaks; opaque, incomplete cleavage parallel 101; Brittle; fracture uneven The proportion is 4.85-4.9.
Yellow : Pyrite (cube, granular, striped with crystal faces) crystals are often cubic and pentagonal dodecahedron, less octahedron. There are three sets of mutually perpendicular stripes (cubes and pentagonal dodecahedral polyhedrons) on the cube. The aggregates are granular, densely packed, disseminated or spherical, and also have coal -like shape. The cryptocrystalline colloidal pyrite is called pyrite. Light brass color, the surface often has a yellow-brown color; the strip marks greenish black or brownish black; opaque, extremely incomplete cleavage, specific gravity 4.9-5.2. The surface of the veins is oxidized into limonite, goethite, and iron ore, called "iron cap". Extract sulfur and make sulfuric acid raw materials. Hardness 6-6.5.
Gray : poisonous sand (granular, rod-shaped) tin white to steel gray, light yellow ochre; streaks gray black, opaque, specific gravity 5.9-6.29, hammered with garlic smell, magnetic after burning. Common single shape has oblique square column, parallel double-sided, etc., and the column mask is parallel to the c-axis stripe. Sometimes it is a cross-shaped twin and a star-shaped triple crystal. The aggregate is granular or dense. The oxidized belt is easily decomposed into a pale yellow or light green loose soil-like scorodite.
The hardness is between 5.5 and 2.5.
Black : Beryllium ore: hexahedral, often tetrahedral, usually in the form of a dense block, semi-self-shaped or granular, fine veined aggregate. Steel gray to iron black, steel ash to iron black streak, hardness 3-4.5, specific gravity 4.6-5.1. There is a flame reaction of Cu.
Yellow : 1, natural gold (gold yellow, needle-like, granular), usually in the form of scattered granular or irregular dendritic aggregates. It has a hardness of 2-3 and a specific gravity of 15.6-18.3. It has strong ductility and can be rolled into a thin foil. The crystal form is dominated by octahedrons. It is not oxidized in the air and is chemically stable.
2, natural copper ore: copper red, the surface often due to oxidation and brown-black film, hardness 2.5-3, specific gravity 8.4-8.95, often associated with malachite, azurite. The main simple shapes are cubes, rhombic dodecahedrons, and octahedrons.
3. Pyrrhotite (dark bronze yellow, granular, massive, magnetic), high-temperature pyrrhotite is a complex hexagonal double-cone crystal, the crystal is generally plate-shaped, a few are cone-shaped, barrel-shaped, column-shaped, mainly The single shape has parallel double-sided, hexagonal column, hexagonal double-cone double crystal or triple crystal, dark bronze color, with brown ochre, sometimes yellowish brown, bright gray black streak, brittleness, hardness 3.5-4.5, specific gravity 4.60 -4.70, with weak magnetic properties, blown by flame burning to form a black block with strong magnetic properties.
4, nickel pyrite (similar to pyrrhotite, but no magnetic) often in the form of leaves or flaming regular, bronze yellow, green black or bright bronze brown streak, hardness 3-4, specific gravity 4.5- 5.
5, chalcopyrite: (copper yellow, granular, massive) crystals are rare, usually dense block or dispersed granular, occasionally cryptocrystalline kidney-like morphology. Brass yellow, the surface often has blue, purple spotted ochre, green and black streaks, hardness 3-4, specific gravity 4.1-4.3, brittleness, cleavage parallel 112 and 101 are not complete.
Gray : 1, copper ore (blocky, powdery (smoke)), fresh lead gray, weathered surface black, often with ochre, streaks dark gray, hardness 2.5-3, specific gravity 5.5-5.8. It is unstable in the oxidation zone and often decomposes into a cuprite, malachite and azurite. The knife scribes to leave a bright groove, often associated with other copper minerals or associated.
2, galena (cube), crystals are often cubic, octahedral, aggregates are granular or dense block, lead gray, black streaks, hardness 2-3, specific gravity 7.4-7.6, cube complete cleavage, hardness Small, more important
3, mirror iron ore (scale, radial)
Blue : 1. Bronze ore (blocky, film-like) Crystals are rare, often in the form of cubes, cubes and octahedrons, often in the form of dense blocks or irregular grains. The fresh surface is dark copper red, and the weathered surface is often dark purple or blue spotted, with a hardness of 3 and a specific gravity of 4.9-5.3.
Hardness less than 2.5
Gray: 1, stibnite (needle, long column), usually in the form of columns, needles, bundles, radial aggregates and columnar clusters. The surface often has a blue tint, a hardness of 2-2.5, a specific gravity of 4.51-4.66, and a cleavage plane often has a horizontal grain.
2, molybdenum ore (scaly, flexible), usually in the form of flakes or scales, sometimes in the form of fine granular aggregates, lead gray, streaks bright gray, hardness 1-1.5, can draw a strip on paper Traces, thin sheets with a soft, greasy feel, specific gravity 4.7-5.0, dirty hands. The metallic luster is stronger than graphite , the specific gravity is also large, and a group is completely cleavable.
3, graphite (scales) generally scaly or dense block, soil. Iron black to steel gray, streaks bright black, soft, slippery, easy to dirty hands, hardness 1-2, specific gravity 2.09-2.23.
White: stibnite (tin white, needle-like, long columnar) often has a columnar, needle-like, hairy, radial, granular, dense block assembly. Tin white (with lead gray), the surface often has a yellow ochre, stronger metallic luster than stibnite, complete cleavage, but there is no horizontal stripes on the cleavage surface, hardness 2-2.5, specific gravity 6.4-6.8, and The stibnite ore is symbiotic.
Non-metallic luster
Hardness greater than 5.5
Black : 1, pyroxene (short column), with two sets of cleavage, cross section is a pseudo square or nearly square, hardness between 5-6, specific gravity 3.2-3.6. (Jadeite: Jade) Ordinary pyroxene section near octagon
2. Amphibole (long columnar), the aggregates are mostly needle-like, fibrous, and granular. It has two sets of cleavage, and the cross section is prismatic or pseudo hexagonal. The hardness is 5.5-6, and the specific gravity is 2.85-3.7.
3, tourmaline (triangular column), trigonal crystal system, the crystal is columnar, common single shape: three square column, six square column, three square single cone and complex three square single cone. The crystal planes at both ends of the crystal are different, and longitudinal stripes often appear on the cylinder surface, and the cross section is a spherical triangle. The aggregate is rod-shaped, radial, needle-shaped or granular. Hardness 7-7.5, specific gravity 3.03-3.25, no cleavage, glass luster.
4, meteorites (blocky, shell-like fractures, heavy blows with sparks)
Red : 1, garnet (granular, blocky) is named after the pomegranate. On the crystal face, there are often long diagonal stripes of parallel rhomboid crystal faces, and sometimes twin crystals appear, and the aggregates are in the form of loose particles and dense blocks. Grease luster, sometimes close to diamond luster, hardness 6.5-7.5, uneven fracture, usually no cleavage. Specific gravity 3.7-4.3
2, feldspar : crystals are often thick and short columnar, thick plate-like, crystal surface without double crystal grain, sometimes visible in the same section of the two parts of different degrees of reflection (card type twin crystal). Often meat red, brownish yellow or light yellow, sometimes with pale yellow grayish white or light green, glass luster. Cleavage 001, 010 is medium to complete, and the two sets of cleavage angles are 90 . , hardness 6-6.5, specific gravity 2.57. Often associated with quartz , biotite, etc., produced in light-colored rocks, such as granite , syenite, pegmatite.
White : 1, plagioclase (block, plate) colorless, white, gray, occasionally red, sometimes with other shades, transparent, glass luster. The cleavage parallel 010, 001 is complete, the two intersect about 88 . The hardness is 6.5, the specific gravity is 2.60-2.76, and dense polycrystalline twin crystal grains are often found on the bottom surface and the cleavage surface. It is often symbiotic with ordinary pyroxene and olivine, and is produced in dark rocks such as gabbro and peridotite .
2, through the feldspar: the crystal is plate-like, colorless and transparent, common Karst double crystal, glass luster, hardness cleavage specific gravity is the same as feldspar. Generating higher temperatures (above 900. C crystal), the discharge is generally produced in the rocks, such as rhyolite, trachyte, phonolite and acidic tuff, welded tuff. The difference between quartz and quartz is that the feldspar has a crystal shape with cleavage and glass luster.
3, micro plagioclase: 010 and 001 two sets of cleavage angle and right angle only 20 , the difference is named. The green variety containing more Rb and Cs is called Tianhe stone. Many physical properties are the same as feldspar, mainly produced in andesite , ring rock and trachyte, generally found in shale-rich volcanic rocks.
4, tremolite (long column, needle, radial, fibrous) white, light gray white, glass luster, fibrous aggregates are silky luster. Hardness 5.5-6. Sexually brittle, paralleled with two sets of cleavage, cleavage angle 56 . The specific gravity is 2.9-3.0, and the specific gravity of iron is increased. It is often developed in the joint zone of limestone, dolomite and igneous rock, and is also produced in crystalline schist.
5. Amphibole (oblique amphibole): The crystal is a long columnar or fibrous aggregate, generally white, gray or microstrip green, brown and yellowish brown with increasing iron content. The hardness is 5.5-6, the specific gravity is 2.85-3.57, and the specific gravity is increased when the iron content is excessive. A rock-forming mineral for certain crystalline schists. The cleavage parallel 210 sets the complete set angle of 125.5 . .
6, actinolite: the same as tremolite, (white, blue-green, radial, long columnar) mostly fibrous, radial. The iron-bearing ore is mostly light green to dark green, with a specific gravity of 3.1-3.3.
7. The wollastonite (needle-like) crystal has a plate shape and a needle shape extending along the b-axis, and is generally a fibrous aggregate. Generally white, glass luster or fibrous silky luster. Hardness 4.5-5.0. The cleavage parallel 100 is complete. The proportion is 2.8-2.9. It is mainly produced in the contact zone between carbonate and acid rock. Often associated with garnet, diopside , and Fushan stone.
8, square column stone (quadruple columnar, granular) tetragonal crystal system, the crystal is often long columnar, the aggregate is granular or dense block. The color is colorless, white or gray, and also has green, reddish, and light blue. Glass luster. Hardness 5.5-6. Sexually brittle, 100 and 110 cylinder cleavage medium, broken shell-like. The proportion is 2.50-2.78. It is found in the skarn formed by contact. There are also intact colorless clusters produced in the pores of volcanic rocks. It is also a common mineral in regional metamorphic rocks.
Brown : 1, cassiterite (short column)
2, agate (red and white colored strips composed of concentric circles)
Green : 1, epidote (yellow-green, columnar)
2, Fushan stone (light green, yellow brown, octahedron, columnar)
3, beryl (green, hexagonal column, granular)
Colorless : 1, quartz (also has purple, smoke, columnar, granular)
Hardness between 5.5 and 2.5
Black : 1, black tungsten ore (brown black, plate, column, hair), brittle, hardness 4-4.5, specific gravity 7.18-7.51. A group of plates is completely cleavable.
2, sphalerite (brown and black, brown, tetrahedral, bulk) 3.5-4 hardness, specific gravity 3.9-4.5. Multiple sets of cleavage. The high temperature forms a tetrahedral crystal form, and the medium and low temperature forms a rhombohedral dodecahedron, and both generally have a cube. Generally, the sphalerite is a granular aggregate, sometimes grape-like, concentric, reflecting the characteristics of the colloid.
White : 1, scheelite (octahedron, block)
2, calcite (diamond, pointed cone)
3, anhydrite (with light blue, block, plate, dovetail)
Yellow : 1, limonite (rust, shell, block)
2, aragonite (light yellow, columnar, needle-like, widely seen in stalactites)
Green : 1. Malachite (green, blue-green, leather-shell, block)
2, fluorite (also has yellow, purple, etc., cube, octahedron or block)
3, apatite (also yellow brown, gray, granular, acicular) hardness of less than 2.5.
Black : black mica (flaky, scaly)
White : 1, stone salt (also has light blue, cube)
2, gypsum (fibrous, plate, granular)
3, kaolin (earth), asbestos (fibrous)
Gray : barite (gray or reddish, plate, grain, column)
Red : 1, cinnabar (blood red, granular)
2, realgar (earth, columnar)
Yellow : 1, natural sulfur (earth, waxy)
2, female yellow (earth, short column)
3, pyrophyllite (light yellowish brown, also white, green, blocky)
Green : 1, chlorite (dark green, scaly)
2, serpentine (fibrous, block)
3, talc (also has grayish yellow, light brown and other colors, blocky)
Blue : copper blue (shell)
Colorless : muscovite (or transparent brown, flaky, scaly)
Sericite: The sericite is a mica-like mineral. It is a kind of flaky fine-grained muscovite. Its structure is dioctagonal. (001) It is completely cleavage, and it can be formed into a very thin sheet with a large diameter-thickness ratio. Sericite has silky luster, diameter to thickness ratio >80, white. Light grayish white, specific gravity 2.6-2.7, hardness 2-3, elastic, bendable. High temperature resistance (above 600C), strong chemical resistance, right Ultraviolet light has excellent shielding properties. The crystals of sericite are scaly, and the crystal aggregates are blocky, showing gray, purple rose, white, etc., with silky luster.
Mica: a class is a general term potassium aluminum silicate minerals containing water, which have a common feature is the layered structure. There are many types of mica, such as biotite, hard chlorite, green crisp mica, glauconite, illite, lithium mica, pearl mica, muscovite, sodium mica, and phlogopite. Mica is a common mineral in the three major types of rocks: igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. In addition to potassium and aluminum, mica can also contain various metal elements. The layered structure of mica allows them to be easily peeled off into sheets, which makes them easy to distinguish. Mica is generally plate-shaped and column-shaped, and its color can be colorless and transparent, a variety of light colors, and also has glass luster, mercerizing and the like.
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