“Radiation Detection Parameter Measurement Standard” R&D Received Help from Xinjiang Measurement Institute

[China Instrument Network Instrument R&D] Recently, Xinjiang Metrology Institute and China Institute of Metrology officially signed the “Study on Key Parameters of Spatial Radiation Detector Measurement Standards and Traceability Technology” project research collaboration contract.

In October of this year, the China Institute of Metrology launched the National Key Research and Development Program “National Quality Foundational Common Technology Research and Application (NQI)” key special project “Study on Key Parameters Measurement and Traceability Technology for Space Radiation Detectors”. In response to the country’s policy on scientific and technological assistance for Xinjiang, and giving full play to the technical capabilities of the Xinjiang Metrology Institute, the China Institute of Metrology approved the subproject of the Xinjiang Institute of Metrology and the Institute of Ionizing Radiation Measurement and Measurement to jointly participate in this science and technology project. Research on a High Stability Activity Measurement Standard Device.

In this project, the main task of Xinjiang Metrology Institute is to develop standard measurement devices that emit alpha particles and beta particles by studying the absolute activity measurement methods for radioactive nuclide such as Am-241 and C-14, so as to form a space radiation detection value. The standard device, based on the unreliability of the magnitude of the spatial radiation detection system due to environmental conditions, studies the gain parameter stabilization technique based on a long-lived radionuclide measurement standard device. The detection system periodically measures the ray or photon signal emitted by the standard device, and based on the strength or energy of these signals, the amplifier of the detection system is automatically adjusted to change the operating voltage or amplification so that the detection efficiency or peak energy is always stable at an established level. The value thus establishes a gain auto-tuning optimization algorithm.

In order to complete this scientific and technological project in an efficient and high-quality way, the Institute of Medicine and Ionizing Radiation Measurement and Measurement of Xinjiang Institute of Metrology established a special task group, coordinated and communicated with the China Academy of Metrology Science for many times, and formulated a complete project implementation technology plan.

(Original title: Xinjiang Metrology Institute and China Institute of Metrology signed a research collaboration contract)

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