Alcohol and coffee can affect longevity

Whenever our cells replicate in our bodies, the end point of the chromosomal DNA - called telomeres - replicates themselves to new cells, and each subsequent copy shortens until they can no longer keep the cells alive, resulting in their eventual death. However, a team of researchers collaborated with the Department of Molecular Microbiology Tel Aviv University (TAU) and Bravanica Institute of Biotechnology and Computer Science TAU and Columbia University Department of Life Sciences to study yeast shared important genetic similarities with humans. Their research results will surely refresh the drinkers in your life.

This is the first time that we have identified several environmental factors that change the length of telomeres. We have already demonstrated how they do this. We understand that one day it may contribute to the prevention and treatment of human diseases." Their findings in the journal PLoS Genetics.

Both yeast and alcohol, both of which are found, can effectively change the DNA linked to aging and cancer. A big shot of a shot of coffee and a distinct difference in the results of a single beer. Drinking coffee will hype you, and a frosty brewing can help you relax. And these drinks, this group said, may also have the opposite effect on your genome. As mentioned above, telomeres - by DNA and protein - shorten the time for each replication. Only fetuses and tumor cells have different behaviors. Both types of cells can reproduce eternal.

This latest study builds on the 2004 study by Elizabeth Blackburn, the Nobel Prize winner in economics and a molecular biologist. Blackburn's research shows that emotional stress may lead to shortening of telomeres. After stress and subsequent telomere shortening, the aging properties produce free radicals in the cell, Blake speculated. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing by the bull-headed team caused cells to rupture in order to produce free radicals. They wanted to test the effect on telomere length and were surprised to learn that there was no change in telomere length.

From this point of view, the team exposed Yeast 12 to other environmental pressures. They found that most pressures - such as variances in temperature and pH from certain substances and chemicals - have no effect on the length of telomeres. However, they found that shortened telomeres were low levels while ethanol extended them.

In short, the team scanned 6,000 strains of yeast and disabled a different gene in each one. They found that two genes, Rap1 and RIF1, are essential in mediating environmental stress and telomere length. Genes from nearly 400 individuals work together to maintain telomere length. In this regard, the researchers said that the need for this gene network to maintain the stability of the genome, and its role in further research. Also interesting is that most of the yeast genes are also present in the human genome.

This is the first time someone has analyzed a complex system and all the genes that affect it are known. It turns out that the telomere length thing is very accurate, which shows that accuracy is crucial and should be protected from the environment. At this point, the study demonstrated only a correlation between telomere length and aging or cancer. The team further acknowledges that laboratory work requires the establishment of a causal relationship. This work will show whether human telomeres respond to the same signal as yeast. If they do this, because the team thinks they will, scientists will use the findings to develop physical therapy and dietary guidance.

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