Bimetal thermometer installation requirements

For the installation of bimetal thermometer, attention should be paid to the accuracy of temperature measurement, safety and reliability, and convenient maintenance. It does not affect the operation and production operation of the equipment. To meet the above requirements, pay attention to the following when selecting the installation location and insertion depth of the thermal resistor. What time is it:
(1) In order to ensure sufficient heat exchange between the measuring end of the thermal resistance and the measured medium, the position of the measuring point should be reasonably selected to avoid installing thermal resistance near the dead angle of the valve, elbow and pipeline and equipment.
Bimetal thermometers (2) Thermal resistances with protective sleeves have heat transfer and heat loss. To reduce measurement errors, thermocouples and RTDs should have sufficient insertion depth:
a. For the thermal resistance of the fluid temperature in the center of the pipe, the measuring end should normally be inserted into the center of the pipe (vertical or inclined installation). If the diameter of the pipe of the fluid to be tested is 200 mm, the insertion depth of the RTD should be 100 mm;
b. For temperature measurement of high temperature and high pressure and high speed fluid (such as main steam temperature), in order to reduce the resistance of the protective sleeve to the fluid and prevent the protective sleeve from breaking under the action of the fluid, the protective tube may be inserted in a shallow insertion manner or a hot sleeve type. Thermal resistance. The shallow insertion type thermal resistance protection sleeve has a depth of not less than 75 mm inserted into the main steam pipe; the standard insertion depth of the hot sleeve type thermal resistance is 100 mm;
c. If it is necessary to measure the temperature of the flue gas in the flue, even though the flue diameter is 4 m, the thermal resistance insertion depth is 1 m;
d. When measuring the insertion depth of the original more than 1m, it should be installed as perpendicular as possible, or add the support frame and protective sleeve.

Reno Mattress Gabion Mesh

Gabion & Reno mattress is a galvanized double twisted hexagonal woven mesh compartmented basket with a rectangular mattress shape. The compartments or cells of the reno mattress are of equal size and dimension and are formed by internal diaphragms. Gabion & Reno mattress have been used for channel linings, river training, soil retention, slope stabilization and other applications successfully throughout the world for over 100 years.

Double twisted gabion & reno mattresses offer many advantages, such as flexibility, durability, strength, permeability, ecology, reliability, longevity, low cost and an aesthetic appearance. The thickness of gabion mats is usually between 0.15-0.5m. It is similar to gabion box which could be divided by several cells and adopts thicker diameter wires to form mesh edge.

Features of Gabion & Reno mattress

One of the most important advantages of gabion & Reno mattresses is their flexibility both for the individual unit and the overall. The construction of the units permits it to tolerate differential settlement without failure. This property is especially important when a structure is on unstable soil conditions or in areas where scour from wave action or currents can undermine the toe of the structure and cause structural settlement.

Gabions & Reno mattresses built from high strength double twisted hexagonal mesh filled with natural hard durable stone and connected together to create a monolithic mass structure capable of undergoing structural movement without any loss of structural integrity creating a highly durable structure.

Gabions & Reno mattresses possess the strength and flexibility to withstand forces generated by water and earth masses. The most important and relevant strength characteristics pertaining to gabion and reno mattress design standards are the mesh punch strength, the mesh tensile strength, the pull apart resistance strength of the mesh, and the corrosion resistance of the mesh. The strength values of the double twisted mesh are located within the individual product specifications for each product and are represented in ASTM A975-97.

Reno Mattress Gabion Mesh,Wire Mesh Reno Mattress,Reno Mattress Gabion Box Mesh,Gabion Boxes Wire Mesh Mattress